Please Join Me!


Dear friends,

Isn’t summer is whooshing by so quickly?! Oh how I want to slow it down, make it last, savor every moment, which is harder to do as the weekends fill up with events and activities. It’s disorienting, after more than a year of sitting still and sheltering in place, to be suddenly on the move, traveling, teaching, attending, etc. But it’s also marvelous! I hope you all are enjoying this shift, as well.

I have just a few announcements and invitations for you as we hurtle into the middle of summer and beyond:

Wednesday June 16, 8 Central I’ll be reading and giving a craft talk on memoir hosted by the San Juan Islands Public Library, virtual and free. You can sign up here! This one will be like a combination reading/free memoir class. I hope you’ll drop in and be ready with questions!

Wednesday June 30, 5 Central I’ll be in conversation with Ethel Rohan, author of the marvelous short story collection, In the Event of Contact, hosted virtually by The Writer’s Center. These events are wonderful, and Ethel is amazing. You can register here.

Friday July 23-Sunday July 25 I’ll be leading a wonderful 3-day Writing Retreat for Re-Emergence at Hackmatack Retreat Center. We’re down to one spot which may be full by the time you read this, but if you’d like to request that spot or join the waitlist (things do happen!), just let us know by sending an email.

Friday July 15, 3 Central I’ll be teaching a workshop—Visceral Self: The Art of Embodied Writing—in collaboration with thre rockstar writers: Gina Frangello, Megan Stielstra, and Sejal Shah. The workshop is through the 1455 Summer Literary Arts Festival.

Friday August 13 - Sunday August 15 I’ll be at the fabulous HippoCamp Conference for Creative Nonfiction! On Friday evening, I’ll be on the debut author panel with Lilly Dancyger, Carol Smith, and Greg Mania. On Sunday, I’ll be teaching a breakout session called “Unleashing Your Hardest Truths & Most Striking Images Through Constraints, Juxtaposition & Play.”

Finally, if you read The Part That Burns and would like to have me visit your book group, I’ve been doing that both virtually and in person and it’s fun. I’d be happy to hear from you! I am also still grateful for reviews on Amazon if you feel moved to write one (can be even just a word or two, every review helps!).


One Spot Left for Re-Emergence Retreat


Re-Emergence Retreat