One Spot Left for Re-Emergence Retreat


Dear Friends,

It’s July 1 and I can scarcely believe it. Summer is flying by. I am so excited that I will be soon seeing some of you in person at our upcoming Re-Emergence Retreat at Hackmatack Retreat Center.

And we have one spot left for this intensive, creatively rich 3-day experience during which we’ll use writing as a vehicle for emerging into this so-called “next normal” with creativity and clear intent, with vibrant understanding of who we are and who we are becoming, and a clearer map for where we want to go with our lives now, after all we’ve been through. We’ll also tap into the wisdom of our bodies, where the deepest clarity about our lives often resides.

This retreat is appropriate for writers at all levels, including those who do not identify as writers at all. The writing is the vehicle, not the product. But if you are a writer and are seeking to re-invigorate your practice and/or develop effective goals for completing, submitting, and publishing your work (again, or for the first time), you, too, will find doorways to those outcomes at Hackmatack.

You can read all about the retreat here, and send questions or queries about how to register here.

As for other news, we said a tearful goodbye to our dear old dog Louis (17.5 years old) in June, and while my heart still throbs, I am reminded ever more potently of the finite nature of our time here on this bruised up planet, and the urgency of using it well. I am reminded of how startling it is to live, and how genuinely precious to be alive now, with all of you.

Thank you for sharing the path.




I Can’t Wait for This Event!


Please Join Me!