Wendy Brown-Baez has been facilitating writing workshops in community spaces for over 20 years, including libraries, schools, spiritual centers, healing centers, prisons, women’s retreats, and human service and arts organizations. She is the recipient of McKnight grants to teach writing workshops for youth in crisis and a MN State Arts Board Grant to bring writing workshops into 12 non-profits. Wendy has published prose and poetry in numerous literary magazines and anthologies, including Poets & Writers Magazine, Water~Stone Review, Tiferet, and Talking Writing. She is the author of a guidebook for writing instructors Heart on the Page: A Portable Writing Workshop and co-author of Writing to Wholeness: workshops to transform lives and communities, a facilitator’s Toolkit for writing with survivors of personal violence, due for fall publication. Wendy is the executive editor of the Saint Paul Almanac: Volume 13 A Path to Each Other and has been part of the literary community in the Twin Cities for 16 years. wendybrownbaez.com